Saturday, September 10, 2011

Alex Skarsgard - True Blood

I didn't think it was possible for me to love Eric Northman even more. I was absolutely wrong. I liked him when he first appeared as the old, cold, evil antagonist vampire to Bill Compton, liked him more when he tricked Sookie to drink his blood (kinda blonde of her), loved him when he grieved his maker's death, loved him more when he becomes Sookie's new protector. But now, the evil is gone and he became an adorable puppy with chiseled body. When you see his sweet, innocent eyes, you want to protect him. When you see his tall physique and abs, you want to be protected by him. He makes your heart warm and fuzzy and drool at the same time.
I demand a spin off. As much as I love Eric with Sookie, we all know Sookie will end up with her real life hubby. I hope when True Blood ends, the Viking God Vampire will have his own TV show. I'm pretty sure it'll be a hit.

What made me head over heels? Alex Skarsgard the actor who plays Eric Northman so beautifully, makes a lot of sense. We live by the same creed:

" To always be curious. Because curiosity is insubordination in its purest form." - Vladimir Nabokov

( I hope he really said that this is the creed he lives by. I may not be disappointed much but I'll be disappointed nonetheless.)

My most favorite quote is:

Alexander(on the nudity in "True Blood") I'm Scandinavian God dammit. We love to be naked.

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